Demo - Vehicle Arrival - Negative Exponential Distribution

Input - 900 vph, 0.25 veh/second or 1 vehicle every 4 seconds


Summary - Vehicle Inputs - Stochastic vs Exact

  1. Tested using VISSIM 9.0 pack 6 64 bit on Windows 7, default traffic composition: 98% Car - 2% HGV
  2. Tested under well below saturation, near saturation, and exceeding saturation flows by 900, 1800, 2400 vehicles per hour respectively
  3. Time of entry depends on Seed#, Input ID#, Input Type, of course volumes
  4. I tried to replicate VISSIM stochastic arrivals by negative exponential distributions using Mersenne Twister 19937 algorithm as shown in this web demo, however no success after exhausting all random seeds [up to 2,147,483,647 ], if someone did, please let me know
  5. Simulation resolution does not affect number of vehicles entered much, but does affect time of entries
  6. For Stochastic inputs, with volume increases, the variation of number of entering vehicles also increases, but plateaus near capacity and decreases again - as shown inputs from 900 to 1800 to 2400, the standard deviation [10 steps/second] changes from 30.6 to 42 to 20.4
  7. For Exact inputs, the variation generally increases with volumes

Time of EntryStochasticExact
Collected using Seed # 1

Num of Entry Vehicles2 Steps/Seconds3 Steps/Seconds10 Steps/Seconds
Stochastic - 900 vph
Stochastic - 1800 vph
Stochastic - 2400 vph
Exact - 900 vph
Exact - 1800 vph
Exact - 2400 vph